For help adjusting a metering faucet, please refer to the 维护/Repair Manual.
是的, 墨盒维修部件的完整清单可在《BETVLCTOR伟德登录》中找到.
自1901年以来,芝加哥水龙头产品一直由实心黄铜制成,具有最好的业务保证. 所有的部件都是可互换的,所以早在1913年的产品就可以更换零件. All qualified products comply with the NSF 61 Clean Drinking Water Act.
Faucets that carry our ECAST® label are manufactured with one quarter of one percent (0.25%) or less total lead content by weighted average and comply with federal, 状态, and local regulations mandating the lead content in plumbing 配件. 所有需要符合联邦清洁饮用水法(NSF61)的产品都已获得相应的认证.
While 芝加哥水龙头 are designed primarily for installation in commercial buildings, their extreme durability makes them ideal anywhere you need a tough, 持久的水龙头, including single-family and multi-family residential applications.
芝加哥水龙头 products are available at plumbing wholesalers and other outlets. 查阅 经销商定位器 寻找您附近的推荐批发商.
I have a 芝加哥水龙头 product installed and would like to change the handles or spout. 我可以换吗??
是的, most handles, spouts and cartridges are interchangeable back to our 1913 product line.
抛光铬是我们的标准表面处理. Select faucet lines also offer special finishes like brushed nickel and matte black.
是的, 芝加哥水龙头 products may be easily installed in a home or business. 确保你符合当地的建筑规范, 建议您咨询当地的管道承包商.
是的, in most cases maintenance and repair may be performed quickly and easily.
手柄可以通过拆卸支架重新定位, 取下手柄,在手柄上的下一个凹槽中更换手柄上的手柄.
我的水龙头上的鹅颈(GN)喷口摇晃. 安装正确吗??
曝气机中的筛网不应更换. 应该购买一个新的曝气器.
使用温和的肥皂和水和软布. Do not use abrasive cleaners or cleansers for this will void the warranty on the finish.
For over 100 hundred years 芝加哥水龙头 has stood behind its products. 具体细节见我们的保修单.
拨打客户服务电话847-803-5000选项2. 客户服务代表可以回答您的问题.
人们总是抱怨电子水龙头的启动速度不够快,用户从一个水龙头换到另一个水龙头,直到一个水龙头正常工作. 你如何解决这个问题?
HyTronic®和E-Tronic®40水龙头提供了市场上最快的用户检测系统之一. The dual beam approach provides the most advanced way to recognize a user. 直流单元每秒扫描环境4次,一旦用户被识别到每秒增加到6次,以提供连续流畅的水流. AC units maintain a sampling rate of 6 times per second at all times.
我们在工厂里使用了很多计量水龙头. Is there a way I can set an exact time needed for the faucet to stay open?
HyTronic®水龙头可以用作电子计量水龙头,激活时间为3 - 180秒,激活周期之间为1 - 5秒. E-Tronic 40具有相同的功能, with an activation time of 3 - 60 seconds and 1 - 5 seconds between activation cycles.
We use stainless steel sinks and electronic faucets can make a lot of noise. 芝加哥水龙头公司的电子水龙头如何解决这个问题?
我们的电子水龙头的BETVLCTOR伟德国际和测试通过了严格的欧盟测试,要求噪音水平低于20分贝. -与其他电子水龙头相比,这是一个巨大的区别.
洗手间的环境会让我们的电子水龙头在没有人在场的情况下自动启动. 你的水龙头能克服这种情况吗?
HyTronic®水龙头具有双光束系统,允许每个光束单独关闭. 示例:如果水槽反光太强,导致启动或顶灯干扰操作, 上下光束都可以关闭.
大多数电子水龙头都有很多部件,在安装之前需要大量的前期工作. 是什么让HyTronic®与众不同?
该产品到达时与3/8”压缩不锈钢软管完全组装,可以直接安装到止动处. DC products can be operated almost immediately after the simple install. 交流产品在使用前需要连接电源(不需要拆卸产品).
如果我安装产品变型(厕所), 鹅颈式, 墙上挂载, 交流和直流),我必须储备很多不同的零件?
The HyTronic® family is designed on the same base and use the same platform. 电子模块和螺线管是通用的所有水龙头.
Both the HyTronic® and E-Tronic® 40 provide easy battery replacement. There's absolutely no need to go below deck - water stops can remain open. 只需拆卸一颗螺钉即可拆卸喷口. The battery is clearly visible and can be replaced in a couple of minutes. 预计电池寿命为3年或20万次激活.
我的水槽大小不一. Can your HyTronic® 鹅颈式 satisfy these different applications?
是的, 您可以订购我们的甲板和壁挂式鹅颈产品,配置为“少喷嘴”,并与任何芝加哥水龙头的喷嘴配对,范围在3“- 12”之间。. 一个简单的调整水龙头的检测范围,确保产品性能不受影响. 我们还提供带FC流量调节器的喷嘴.
在新项目中,大楼可能几个月都没人住. To keep the traps wet, someone has to physically activate the faucets. 在其他地方,我听到抱怨说,一天开始的时候没有足够的热水. 你的水龙头能解决这些问题吗?
HyTronic® faucets feature a 卫生 mode that can resolve some of these issues. 使用Geberit Commander™软件, you can make the faucet come on at a certain time period after it was last used. You can also determine the amount of time you need the faucet to stay on.
Is it possible to convert the power source (AC to DC or DC to AC) of my HyTronic® faucet?
We've made it easy to convert the power source for any existing HyTronic® faucet installation.
交流转直流: 不需要额外的部件. 只需将现有HyTronic®水龙头体内的交流适配器和交流线束更换为6伏CRP2锂电池.
直流转交流: 你需要订购一个交流适配器套件和一个12伏变压器. 用交流适配器替换现有的电池,然后将电线通过水龙头的底座,然后通过甲板下面的安装线束馈送. 芝加哥水龙头 offers two 12-volt transformers to help finish the job - a hardwire, 多用途变压器或插入式变压器.
Revit是一种完全不同的绘图方式. Autodesk®Revit是Autodesk为Microsoft®Windows®开发的建筑信息建模(BIM)软件. It allows you to design with both parametric 3D modeling and 2D drafting elements. BIM是一种计算机辅助BETVLCTOR伟德国际(CAD)程序,它使用智能3D对象来表示真实的物理建筑组件,如墙壁和门. Revit允许BETVLCTOR伟德国际师在更早的过程中为他们的建筑信息模型添加更多细节(包括图形和非图形),以支持从BETVLCTOR伟德国际可视化到能源分析和成本估算的各种任务.
The Revit BIM solution includes an extensive library of components. These parametric families range from basic architectural components such as walls, 生活环境调查, 和门, 精心BETVLCTOR伟德国际组件, 比如厨房橱柜和自动扶梯. Revit组件包括几何(组件的大小和形状)和BETVLCTOR伟德国际意图(它与其他建筑组件的关系), 以及描述组件的非图形属性,如材料或防火等级.
Revit Architecture includes an extensive library of generic parametric components. 因为Revit组件本质上是参数化的, 库不必包含每一种大小或类型的组件的表示-库元素被预先编程为相应的大小.
The component libraries created by Autodesk for Revit Architecture are generic. 他们没有描述具体的制造商的组件和, 因此, 没有具体的产品信息,如型号.
BIM的优点之一是能够包含有关建筑的详细信息, 即使是在BETVLCTOR伟德国际的早期阶段. Incorporating more detailed data in the building information model, 包括特定于制造商的建筑产品数据, 在这个过程的早期添加它可以:
- 更好地传达BETVLCTOR伟德国际理念,即使是在早期的概念模型中
- 提供更准确的能源分析和评估特定产品在特定BETVLCTOR伟德国际环境中的表现
- present earlier cost estimating information and specification applications
- create highly detailed 3D visualizations throughout the building process
可以使用几种方法来添加自定义组件, as well as manufacturer-specific components and related product attributes.
用户生成. Revit架构用户可以使用软件附带的参数族模板创建自己的内容. Users also can draw on content generated by colleagues or from user community Web sites. However, there's no guarantee that the component definition is accurate.
商业网站. 用户可以从商业网站下载内容,比如 BIMWorld, which develop both generic as well as manufacturer-specific BIM content. 在一般情况下, 从这些网站下载的内容对用户来说是免费的,因为这些内容是由建筑产品制造商支付的,他们与网站签订合同,开发其产品的BIM库.
制造商的网站. 由制造商直接开发和分发的内容是获取特定于制造商的产品数据的最可靠的方式. 事实上, 许多制造商已经提供了其产品的CAD表示,BETVLCTOR伟德国际人员可以在CAD应用程序中使用. Similarly, BIM representations of those products are starting to be offered.
Geberit and 芝加哥水龙头 have created a BIM-based library of their product lines, 启用说明符, 架构师, and designers to easily incorporate the products in building information models. 只需浏览,选择产品,并找到您需要的信息. Revit用户, the library delivers product content directly to the Revit platform, with design templates for Revit-specific system files that can be used for creating, 定义, 操纵室内BETVLCTOR伟德国际. 将这些组件直接下载到您的Revit BIM中.
Autodesk Revit架构可在以下网站购买 欧特克.com. It can be downloaded by selecting the product and following the prompts on the website.
How do I download Geberit and 芝加哥水龙头 BIM-based libraries?
For individual products, a link to the Revit file (if available) is on the product page. 使用Catalog或Search功能查找特定产品. 如果您需要多个Revit文件为您的项目, 请访问我们位于chicagoofaucet的技术人员资源中心.com/resources. 在那里你会发现我们网站上所有Revit文件和IGES文件(一种替代CAD格式)的完整列表. 您可以选择和下载多个文件,只需点击几下.